Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010
Morgens finde ich mich wieder in der Lobby ein. Der Ultraschall der Blase muss wiederholt werden. Ich habe zwei Liter Wasser getrunken und eine Wasserflasche in der Hand. Nüchtern, wie gebeten.
Das Taxi wartet schon. Die gestrig bereits aufgesuchte Praxis liegt nur wenige Straßen entfernt. Es geht wieder zack zack, kaum angekommen, bin ich auch schon fertig und auf dem Weg zurück in die Nu Tech.
Heute genau auf den Tag vor 2 Jahren wachte ich auf und meine linke Körperhälfte war taub. Ich konnte mich kaum bewegen, geschweigedenn sprechen. Schlaganfall?
Nein, obwohl auch der durchaus mit einer Infektion des Erregers der Lyme Borreliose in Verbindung gebracht werden kann. Nach einem MRT in der Uniklinik teilte man mir mit, Neuritis Nervus Opticus lautet die Diagnose. Der klassische Startschuss zur Multiple Sklerose, eine der häufigsten Fehldiagnosen der Borreliose.
Nun erfolgte erneut eine Differenzialdiagnose auf MS. Durch den Vorbefund der Borreliose konnte nach Abschluß dieser bestätigt werden, das Borrelia Burgdorferi, der Lyme Erreger, dieses Krankheitsbild imitiert hat und ausgelöst hat.
Für medizinsch Interessierte hier einige Links zum Thema DER GROSSE IMITATOR!
Verdacht auf Schlaganfall?
An Borreliose denken!
BERLIN (gvg). Hinter einer scheinbaren Schlaganfallsymptomatik kann sich in seltenen Fällen auch eine akute Neuroborreliose verbergen. Darauf hat Professor Sebastian Rauer von der Neurologischen Klinik der Universität Freiburg beim 33. Fortbildungsforum der Bundesärztekammer in Berlin hingewiesen.
Er berichtete von einer 76-jährigen Patienten, die mit akut einsetzenden Lähmungen in die Universität Freiburg eingeliefert wurde. Das unter dem Verdacht auf einen Schlaganfall sofort angeordnete MRT zeigte dann aber keine ischämische Läsion oder Blutung.
Im Liquor fand sich dagegen ein entzündungstypischer Liquor mit stark erhöhter Eiweißkonzentration und 180 Lymphozyten pro Mikroliter. "Hier würde man primär an eine akute Herpesenzephalitis denken", so Rauer.
Die Freiburger Kollegen hatten jedoch glücklicherweise zusätzlich den Liquor-Serum-Index für Borrelien-IgG bestimmt. Der Wert war mit 5,3 massiv erhöht und wies den Weg zur tatsächlichen Diagnose einer akuten Neuroborreliose.Ärztezeitung Link zum Orginal Artikel
Nie werde ich diesen Tag vergessen, da man mir sagte ich könne daran erblinden. Nach all den Torturen und Ängsten, die mir mein körperliches Befinden bis dahin schon verabreicht hatte, war jene Mitteilung ein unglaublicher Tiefschlag, der seinesgleichen suchte. Vorerkrankung Borreliose? Dann habe Sie nun den Nachweis einer Infektion mit Borrelien im Gehirn. Sie wären die Tage erblindet! Nun hochdosierte Kortisoninfusionen und im Anschluß weitere Antibiosen folgten. Natürlich stationär.
Am Folgetag wurde mein ältester Sohn 5 Jahre...
Ich brachte den Geburtstag hinter mich und verlor gleichzeitig meine Muskelkraft über NACHT.
Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war ich auf einen Rollstuhl angewiesen.
Mehr als einige Meter konnte ich nur unter großer Kraftaufwendung bewältigen.
Die Sehstörungen und den unerträglichen Drehschwindel, wiederkehrende hämmernde Kopfschmerzen, all jenes, sollte ich nun in einer noch intensiveren Form und Dauerpräsenz erleben, die einem alleine schon jegliche Lebensfreude rauben kann.
Heute bin ich in Neu ,Dehli und mir gegenüber steht Dr. Ashish, der mir freundlich die Hand entgegen streckt.
"Christine, Are you ready for the Test Injection?" Und ob ich bereit bin. Mehr als das.
Bitte folgen Sie mir in den Injektionraum. Ich hebe fast ab mit meinem Rollstuhl und eile hinterher.
Einige Schwestern stehen aufgereiht da.
Dr. Ashish kenne ich von Amy's und Amanda's Video bei YOU TUBE.
Nun steht er wirklich vor mir. Unfassbar. Ich bin hier und habe diese unglaubliche Chance.
Er erklärt mir: "Bei 750 behandelten Patienten sei es zu keiner Nebenwirkung gekommen. Unter Ihnen 28 Lyme Borreliose Patienten vorwiegend aus den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika." Ich erfrage ob ich die erste Deutsche bin. "Nein, wir hatten schon einen deutschen Patienten, aber Sie sind die
ERSTE Lyme Borreliose Patientin aus Deutschland!"
Oh. Ich berichte von meiner ehrenamtlichen Lyme Aufklärung und meinem Verein. Ich möchte die Presse gezielt informieren und weiteren Betroffenen eine Aussicht geben, eine Hoffnung auf Heilung.
"Ich kann Ihnen versichern," erklärt er mir, "Alle, wirklich ausnahmlos alle Lyme Patienten haben große Verbesserungen erzielt. Die meisten sind vollkommen asymptomatisch.
Gerade das Potential, neurologische Krankheitbilder zu heilen, haben nur die Embryonen Stammzellen."
Musik in meinen Ohren. Bitte, welche Hoffnung für alle "Lymies", die den dünnen Balanceakt der Hoffnung auf Heilung oder Linderung Ihrer Beschwerden kaum noch bewältigen können. Die Qualen an Schmerzen. Das Gefühl das Gehirn zu verlieren und die vielseitigen und vielfältigen Symptome.
All diese weiteren schrecklichen neurologischen Krankheitbilder - Schluss mit Hoffnungslosigkeit.
Raum für Wunder. Raum für LEBEN, Lieben und Lachen.
JA! Platz frei, her damit. Und lasse es mich testen!
Ich habe NICHTS mehr zu verlieren. Es kann nur ein Gewinn sein.
Den UNgläubigen Zweiflern möchte ich zeigen das NICHTS UNMÖGLICH IST.
Bereits wenige Minuten nach der Injektion fühle ich ausbreitende Wärme in meinem, seit Jahren, durchfrorenen Körper. Es kribbelt angenehm, als ob sich meine müden Zellen mit Sauerstoff füllen. Es ist wie eine beginnende körperliche und mentale Auferstehung.
Eine Art Wiedergeburt ist im Gange! Nein, eine Echte! Diese Baby Stammzellen haben nun die Aufgabe mich zu erneuern. Zu reparieren und zu regenerieren.
Ich begebe mich auf mein Zimmer und geniesse die mir so fremd vorkommende Wärme. Seit Jahren habe ich eiskalte Füße, Beine und Hände.
Nun ich fühle Leben in mir. Gleichzeitig werde ich müder. Oh ich kenne diese Müdigkeit nur zu gut. Wie mir erklärt wurde, durchlaufe ich, wie bei einer erfolgreichen Lyme Therapie, jedes Symptom noch einmal.
An manchen Tagen können 20-50 Beschwerden im Vordergrund stehen, an anderen so genannten guten Tagen vielleicht auch nur 2. Das ist das vielseitige Bild einer langjährig, persistierenden Infektion dieser Erreger.
Ich schlafe kurz darauf tief und fest ein. Es ist früher Nachmittag. Der Nachtschweiß, der mich plagt, eigentlich sollte ich es Schlafschweiß nennen, ist seit Tagen wieder sehr präsent.
Kennen Sie Babesien? Nein. Gut Sie möchten Sie nicht wirklich kennenlernen, geschweigedenn mit Ihnen Ihren Körper teilen.
Hier mein Shirt, nach dem kurzen Mittagsschlaf.
Am frühen Abend erkundigt sich Dr. Sudeep Sharma (Was ist hier eigentlich der Vorname?Ich denke Sudeep...) nach meinem Befinden. Ich zeige ihm mein Shirt "Ja, der starke Schweiß, das sind eindeutig Babesien!" kommentiert er. Ich berichte ihm von meinen körperlichen Eindrücken nach der Test Injektion.
Er erzählt mir, daß er das ILADS Lyme Physician Training absolviert hat. Er war 2 Monate in Kalifornien!
Wow, das ist großartig. Ich habe die Vision in Deutschland die Spendengelder für eine ebensolches Vorhaben zu organisieren und zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Er sagt mir, dieser Lehrgang sei der eindrucksvollste seiner bisherigen Laufbahn gewesen.
Das glaube ich ihm auf's Wort.
Wir sprechen über die Verbreitung und Zunahme der Lyme Borreliose weltweit, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Europa.Wir sind uns einig :Lyme ist eine verschwiegene Pandemie.
Die unterschätzte Seuche des 21ten Jahrhunderts.
Er meint: " Lyme Patienten haben eine außergewöhnlich starke Einfühlung, was in ihrem Körper von Statten geht. Sie können uns Ärzte so viel lernen.
Bitte Christine, achten Sie auf Ihre Schmerzen und schildern Sie mir jede noch so kleine Veränderung und Reaktion in Ihrem Körper."
Gesagt getan. Er ist beeindruckt von meinem Wissen, meinem ungebrochenen Heilungswillen und medizinsch-wissenschaftlichen Interesse an Lyme.
Mit dieser mentalen Stärke und Ihren Kenntnissen können SIE nur große Erfolge erzielen.
"Alle Lyme Patienten haben große Verbesserungen erzielt oder sprechen wir gar von Heilung. Die Embryonalen Stammzellen habe unglaubliches Potential, gerade auch im neurologischen Bereich."
Nun zu meinem Spect Scan. Hier sehen Sie nun eine aktuelle Aufnahme meines Gehirnes.
Sie sehen links an der Seite eine Farbenskala.
Hell Gelb ist auf dieser Aufnahme NORMAL.
Alle dunklen Areale, schon leicht orange, dunkelgelb oder rötlich schimmernd ist AB NORMAL. Desweiteren an der Zahl 6 verschiedene, deutliche Bereiche, die bläulich-lila schimmern, diese Bereiche sind stark minderdurchblutet, und somit in Ihrer Funktion stark eingeschränkt!
In Folge mangelnder Durchblutung sterben hier feinste Zellen einfach ab...
Diese Spect Aufnahmen werden sich stark verbessern. Es ist zu schön um wahr zu sein.
JA. Ich glaube an WUNDER. Und an die GUTE Wissenschaft.
Ich denke, es ist bei aller Sachlichkeit, die wohlgemerkt, verständlicherweise schwerfällt, eine Symbiose, eine Synthese.
Am letzten Tag heute in 8 Wochen werden wir die gleiche Untersuchung durchführen.
Ich hoffe Sie sind bereit für SENSATIONEN. Bleiben Sie neugierig.
Wednesday 14 July 2010
In the morning I find myself back in the lobby. The ultrasound of the bladder must be repeated. I drank two liters of water and a water bottle in his hand. Fasting, as requested.
The taxi is waiting. The already have been drawn yesterday's practice is just a few streets. It again goes bang bang, just arrived, I am ready and on the way back to the Nu Tech.
Today, exactly two years ago to the day I woke up and my left side of the body was numb. I could hardly speak geschweigedenn move. Stroke?
No, although the means are associated with an infection of the pathogen of Lyme borreliosis can. After an MRI in the university hospital they told me, neuritis optic nerve is the diagnosis. The classic starting point for multiple sclerosis, one of the most common misdiagnosis of Lyme disease.
Now again a differential diagnosis was made on MS. Due to the preliminary findings of this disease could be confirmed after completion, the Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme pathogen, has this disease mimics and has triggered.
For medico interested here are some links on the topic of great imitator! Suspected stroke? Think about Lyme disease!
BERLIN (gvg). Behind an apparent stroke symptoms can be hidden in rare cases of acute neuroborreliosis. Then, Professor Sebastian Rauer of the Neurological Clinic of the University of Freiburg in the 33 Training of the Federal Medical Forum in Berlin mentioned.
He reported a 76-year-old patient who was admitted with acute onset of paralysis in the University of Freiburg. The under the suspicion of a stroke immediately ordered MRI showed ischemic lesions but no or bleeding.
In CSF was found against a strong entzündungstypischer CSF with increased protein concentration and 180 lymphocytes per microliter. "This would primarily think of acute herpes encephalitis," says Rauer.
The Freiburg colleagues, however, had fortunately also the CSF / serum index for Borrelia IgG determined. The value was massively increased with 5.3 and pointed the way to the actual diagnosis of acute Neuroborreliose.Ärztezeitung Link to original article
I will never forget this day because I was told I could go blind in it. After all the torture and fear that I had given my physical condition to get here, that communication was an incredible blow, the peer was looking for. Lyme disease pre-existing conditions? Then you have now evidence of infection with Borrelia in the brain. They would blind the days! Now, high-dose corticosteroid infusions and following other antibiotics followed. Of course, stationary.
The next day was my oldest son, five years ...
I brought the birthday behind me and got the same muscle on my NIGHT.
From that point I had to rely on a wheelchair.
More than a few meters I was able to deal only with the greatest of force.
The visual changes and the unbearable vertigo, recurrent throbbing headache, all of that, I should now do in a more intensive form and duration of presence that one alone can already steal any joy in life.
Today I am in New Dehli is Dr. Ashish and myself, I kind of stretched out his hand.
"Christine, Are you ready for the test injection?" And if I'm ready. More than that
Please follow me into the injection room. I lift my wheelchair almost from behind and hurry.
Some sisters have since lined up.
Now he is really in front of me. Unbelievable. I am here and have this incredible opportunity.
He told me: "In 750 patients treated had it been no adverse reaction. Among them 28 Lyme disease patients mainly from the United States of America." I ask if I'm the first German. "No, we had a German patients, but they are the
FIRST Lyme disease patient from Germany! "
Oh. I report on my honorary Lyme education and my club. I would like to inform the press specifically and give interested parties a further chance, a hope for a cure.
"I can assure you," he tells me, "All, without exception really all Lyme patients have made great improvements. Most of them are completely asymptomatic.
Especially the potential to cure neurological diseases have only the embryonic stem cells. "
Music to my ears. Please, what hope for all "Lymies," the balance of the thin hope of a cure or alleviation of your symptoms can barely cope. The agony of pain. To lose the sense of the brain and the multiple and diverse symptoms.
All these other terrible neurological diseases - no more hopelessness.
Room for miracles. Space for Life, love and laughter.
YES! Free space, bring it on. And let me try!
I have NOTHING to lose. It can only be a profit.
The unbelievers doubters I would like to NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE show.
A few minutes after the injection, I feel warmth spreading in my, for years, frozen through the body. It tingles pleasantly, as if my tired cells fill with oxygen. It's like starting a physical and mental resurrection.
A kind of rebirth is underway! No, a real! These baby stem cells now have the task to renew me. To repair and regenerate.
I am going to my room and enjoy the warmth occurring just as foreign. For years I have cold feet, legs and hands.
Now I feel life in me. At the same time I will more tired. Oh I know all too well this fatigue. As I was told I go through, like a successful Lyme treatment, every symptom again.
Some days may 20-50 complaints in the foreground, to other so-called good days, perhaps only second This is a versatile image of a long-standing, persistent infection of these pathogens.
I sleep shortly after a deep and solid. It is early afternoon. The night sweats that plague me, I should really call it sleep sweat is in days, again very much present.
Do you know of Babesia? No. Well, you do not want to know really geschweigedenn share with you your body.
Here's my shirt, short sleep after lunch.
Early in the evening, asked Dr. Sudeep Sharma (What the hell is the first name? Sudeep I think ...) about my condition. I show him my shirt, "Yes, the strong weld, the Babesia are unique!" he says. I tell him about my physical impressions after the test injection.
He tells me that he has the ILADS Lyme Physician completed training. He was two months in California!
Wow, that's great. I have the vision to organize the donations in Germany for just such a project and to make available.
He tells me this course was the most impressive of his career so far been.
I think it's to say.
We talk about the spread and increase in Lyme disease worldwide, with particular attention to Europa.Wir us agree: Lyme is a silent pandemic.
The underestimated disease of the 21st century.
He said: "Lyme patients have an exceptionally strong understanding of what goes into their bodies by Equip. You can get to doctors so much.
Christine Please, pay attention to your pain and tell me every little change and response in your body. "
No sooner said than done. He is impressed by my knowledge, my healing unbroken will and medico-scientific interest in Lyme.
With this mental strength and your skills can achieve great success only YOU.
"All Lyme patients have made great improvements, or do we speak of healing. The Embryonic stem cells have tremendous potential, especially in the neurological field."
Now to my Spect Scan. Here you will see a current recording of my brain.
You will see on the side of a color scale.
Bright yellow is on this recording NORMAL.
All dark areas, even slightly orange, dark yellow or reddish shimmering AB is NORMAL. Furthermore, the number six different, distinct areas, the bluish-purple glow, these areas are minderdurchblutet strong, and thus severely limited in your role!
In consequence of a lack of blood cells from the finest die here just ...
This Spect shots will improve greatly. It's too good to be true.
Yes. I believe in Miracles. And in good science.
I think it is in all practicality, the difficult mind you, understandably, a symbiosis, a synthesis.
On the last day today at 8 weeks, we will perform the same investigation of spect scan from the brain...
I hope you are ready for SENSATIONS. Stay curious.
In the morning I find myself back in the lobby. The ultrasound of the bladder must be repeated. I drank two liters of water and a water bottle in his hand. Fasting, as requested.
The taxi is waiting. The already have been drawn yesterday's practice is just a few streets. It again goes bang bang, just arrived, I am ready and on the way back to the Nu Tech.
Today, exactly two years ago to the day I woke up and my left side of the body was numb. I could hardly speak geschweigedenn move. Stroke?
No, although the means are associated with an infection of the pathogen of Lyme borreliosis can. After an MRI in the university hospital they told me, neuritis optic nerve is the diagnosis. The classic starting point for multiple sclerosis, one of the most common misdiagnosis of Lyme disease.
Now again a differential diagnosis was made on MS. Due to the preliminary findings of this disease could be confirmed after completion, the Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme pathogen, has this disease mimics and has triggered.
For medico interested here are some links on the topic of great imitator! Suspected stroke? Think about Lyme disease!
BERLIN (gvg). Behind an apparent stroke symptoms can be hidden in rare cases of acute neuroborreliosis. Then, Professor Sebastian Rauer of the Neurological Clinic of the University of Freiburg in the 33 Training of the Federal Medical Forum in Berlin mentioned.
He reported a 76-year-old patient who was admitted with acute onset of paralysis in the University of Freiburg. The under the suspicion of a stroke immediately ordered MRI showed ischemic lesions but no or bleeding.
In CSF was found against a strong entzündungstypischer CSF with increased protein concentration and 180 lymphocytes per microliter. "This would primarily think of acute herpes encephalitis," says Rauer.
The Freiburg colleagues, however, had fortunately also the CSF / serum index for Borrelia IgG determined. The value was massively increased with 5.3 and pointed the way to the actual diagnosis of acute Neuroborreliose.Ärztezeitung Link to original article
I will never forget this day because I was told I could go blind in it. After all the torture and fear that I had given my physical condition to get here, that communication was an incredible blow, the peer was looking for. Lyme disease pre-existing conditions? Then you have now evidence of infection with Borrelia in the brain. They would blind the days! Now, high-dose corticosteroid infusions and following other antibiotics followed. Of course, stationary.
The next day was my oldest son, five years ...
I brought the birthday behind me and got the same muscle on my NIGHT.
From that point I had to rely on a wheelchair.
More than a few meters I was able to deal only with the greatest of force.
The visual changes and the unbearable vertigo, recurrent throbbing headache, all of that, I should now do in a more intensive form and duration of presence that one alone can already steal any joy in life.
Today I am in New Dehli is Dr. Ashish and myself, I kind of stretched out his hand.
"Christine, Are you ready for the test injection?" And if I'm ready. More than that
Please follow me into the injection room. I lift my wheelchair almost from behind and hurry.
Some sisters have since lined up.
Now he is really in front of me. Unbelievable. I am here and have this incredible opportunity.
He told me: "In 750 patients treated had it been no adverse reaction. Among them 28 Lyme disease patients mainly from the United States of America." I ask if I'm the first German. "No, we had a German patients, but they are the
FIRST Lyme disease patient from Germany! "
Oh. I report on my honorary Lyme education and my club. I would like to inform the press specifically and give interested parties a further chance, a hope for a cure.
"I can assure you," he tells me, "All, without exception really all Lyme patients have made great improvements. Most of them are completely asymptomatic.
Especially the potential to cure neurological diseases have only the embryonic stem cells. "
Music to my ears. Please, what hope for all "Lymies," the balance of the thin hope of a cure or alleviation of your symptoms can barely cope. The agony of pain. To lose the sense of the brain and the multiple and diverse symptoms.
All these other terrible neurological diseases - no more hopelessness.
Room for miracles. Space for Life, love and laughter.
YES! Free space, bring it on. And let me try!
I have NOTHING to lose. It can only be a profit.
The unbelievers doubters I would like to NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE show.
A few minutes after the injection, I feel warmth spreading in my, for years, frozen through the body. It tingles pleasantly, as if my tired cells fill with oxygen. It's like starting a physical and mental resurrection.
A kind of rebirth is underway! No, a real! These baby stem cells now have the task to renew me. To repair and regenerate.
I am going to my room and enjoy the warmth occurring just as foreign. For years I have cold feet, legs and hands.
Now I feel life in me. At the same time I will more tired. Oh I know all too well this fatigue. As I was told I go through, like a successful Lyme treatment, every symptom again.
Some days may 20-50 complaints in the foreground, to other so-called good days, perhaps only second This is a versatile image of a long-standing, persistent infection of these pathogens.
I sleep shortly after a deep and solid. It is early afternoon. The night sweats that plague me, I should really call it sleep sweat is in days, again very much present.
Do you know of Babesia? No. Well, you do not want to know really geschweigedenn share with you your body.
Here's my shirt, short sleep after lunch.
Early in the evening, asked Dr. Sudeep Sharma (What the hell is the first name? Sudeep I think ...) about my condition. I show him my shirt, "Yes, the strong weld, the Babesia are unique!" he says. I tell him about my physical impressions after the test injection.
He tells me that he has the ILADS Lyme Physician completed training. He was two months in California!
Wow, that's great. I have the vision to organize the donations in Germany for just such a project and to make available.
He tells me this course was the most impressive of his career so far been.
I think it's to say.
We talk about the spread and increase in Lyme disease worldwide, with particular attention to Europa.Wir us agree: Lyme is a silent pandemic.
The underestimated disease of the 21st century.
He said: "Lyme patients have an exceptionally strong understanding of what goes into their bodies by Equip. You can get to doctors so much.
Christine Please, pay attention to your pain and tell me every little change and response in your body. "
No sooner said than done. He is impressed by my knowledge, my healing unbroken will and medico-scientific interest in Lyme.
With this mental strength and your skills can achieve great success only YOU.
"All Lyme patients have made great improvements, or do we speak of healing. The Embryonic stem cells have tremendous potential, especially in the neurological field."
Now to my Spect Scan. Here you will see a current recording of my brain.
You will see on the side of a color scale.
Bright yellow is on this recording NORMAL.
All dark areas, even slightly orange, dark yellow or reddish shimmering AB is NORMAL. Furthermore, the number six different, distinct areas, the bluish-purple glow, these areas are minderdurchblutet strong, and thus severely limited in your role!
In consequence of a lack of blood cells from the finest die here just ...
This Spect shots will improve greatly. It's too good to be true.
Yes. I believe in Miracles. And in good science.
I think it is in all practicality, the difficult mind you, understandably, a symbiosis, a synthesis.
On the last day today at 8 weeks, we will perform the same investigation of spect scan from the brain...
I hope you are ready for SENSATIONS. Stay curious.