
Lyme disease is not a rare illness - Lyme Borreliose ist keine seltene Erkrankung

Es ist eine Pandemie die Millionen Menschen betrifft, in allen 50 Staaten der United States und auf jedem Kontinent.

Lyme Borreliose ist die am schnellsten zunehmende Infektionserkrankung, über 10 mal häufiger als AIDS/HIV.

It is a pandemic affecting millions of people in all 50 US states and every continent. It is the fastest growing infectious disease, over 10 times more prevalent than HIV / AIDS.

Diese Krankheit wird sehr häufig missdiagnostiziert, da sie viele Krankheitsbilder imitiert, wie Multiple Sklerose, ALS, Parkinson, Lupus, Krebs, Rheumatoide Arthritis, Fibromyalgie, Alzheimer, Herz- und Neurologische Erkrankungen, und viele mehr.

It is very often misdiagnosed because it mimics many illnesses including MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Lupus, Cancer, Rhumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Alzeimers, Cardiac and Neurological Issues and more.

Borreliose & Coinfektionen können vielfältig übertragen werden. Nicht nur durch Zecken, sondern auch durch Mosquitos, Spinnen und weitere Übertragungswege.

Lyme and it's coinfections can be transmitted through ticks, mosquitos, spiders, and more.

Lyme Borreliose kann jeden TeiI des menschlichen Körpers befallen.
In Deutschland spricht das RKI (Robert Koch Institut) von 60.000 -100.000 geschätzten jährlichen Neuinfektionen.
Das sind bereits sehr hohe Fallzahlen, die Grund zur Handlung geben sollten.

Die Krankenkassenhochrechnung der TKK - Techniker Kranken Kasse (auf Anfrage des BFBD) kommt auf jährlich ca. 800.000 neue Diagnosen der Lyme Borreliose, ganz einfach durch die Abrechnungen der Hausärzte in Deutschland. Nur Fälle mit Erythema mirgrans und / oder eindeutig positiven Labortest. Das bedeutet widerum, das muss die Dunkelziffer sein. Die echten Zahlen dürften nüchtern betrachtet, doppelt so hoch sein!

Durch zweifelhafte medizinische Leitlinien der US " Fach" Gesellschaft IDSA und deren Ignoranz gegenüber anderen Fachmeinungen und wissenschaftlichen Ansichten, sowie einem Mangel an Forschung, werden zahlose Menschen weltweit entweder gar nicht, oder falsch diagnostiziert, oftmals falsch behandelt, mit dem Resultat an unvorstellbarem Leid und womöglich sogar dem Tod.

It can affect every part of the human body. The CDC reports 300,000 cases per year, but due to medical ignorance stemming from outdated IDSA guidelines and lack of research, countless cases are undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or incorrectly treated, causing unimagineable suffering and even death.


Psychologie & Gesundheit
Welche Krankheiten bilden das »tödliche Dutzend«?

Tödliches Dutzend:

➝ Cholera
➝ Babesiose
➝ Ebola
➝ Darm- und andere Parasiten
Borreliose (Lyme disease)
➝ Pest
➝ Rote Fluten
➝ Rift-Valley-Fieber
➝ Schlafkrankheit
➝ Tuberkulose
➝ Gelbfieber
➝ Vogelgrippe


Der Klimawandel bewirkt nicht nur, dass die Polkappen abschmelzen und der Meeresspiegel steigt. Mindestens genauso groß ist die Gefahr, dass sich gefährliche Krankheitserreger in bisher ungekanntem Maße ausbreiten – weltweit.

Lyme Disease is a hidden Pandemic.
Here is a small list of reports all over the world.

Lyme Borreliose ist eine unbekannte PANDEMIE.
Sehen Sie hier eine Sammlung mit Beiträgen aus aller Welt:



Death linked to Lyme disease - Australia - Today Tonight

In a major Lyme disease development, a man has died from a disease he caught from a tick, and the victim's doctor is urging authorities to act.


Lyme Disease - A Silent Epidemic  
Second documentary showing how Lyme disease and its coinfections is reaching worldwide pandemic proportions. A huge eye opener is how in Africa it may now be considered a greater threat then Malaria. If not diagnosed it will spread to all organs and will be incredibly challenging tompht into remission. Please become educated, this disease is as close to you as your backyards.

France 5 -Chantal Perrin 2014 

Die Französin, Chantal Perrin, hat dieses Jahr folgende knallharte, mit Fakten geladene, Film- Produktion vollbracht.

Bereits wenige Minuten reichen, um zu begreifen! 

Was ist Lyme Borreliose? Was ist der Skandal?



A must seen  - Documentary from Canada  

Canadians Are Under Attack From Lyme Disease 2013 CBS NEWS 

The Nature of Things 

                                                                The great Imitator  - Fox friends 

Vanessa Farnsworth / Lyme Disease in Canada 

Webcast Live from Orchard Studio, Vanessa talks about the latest research into Lyme Disease in Canada.
June 23rd, 2014 -  

USA-  Beyond the Headlines - 2014 

Featuring: Amy Tan (Award-winning Author) & Raphael Stricker, MD
(Lyme Disease Expert) and more...

Doctors Change Treatment Recommendations For Lyme Disease « CBS Pittsburgh

  Belgium / Belgien / Belgique - La Maladie de Lyme

         Doctors change Lyme disease treatment - Children Hospital Pittsburgh


Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt - Borreliose - Die Seuche des 21. Jahrhunderts ?

Wissen Sie, was Borrelien sind, und was sie anrichten können? Borrelien werden hauptsächlich mit Zecken in Verbindung gebracht. Welche Krankheiten durch Borrelien-Infektionen hervorgerufen werden können, ist allerdings noch recht unbekannt.

Eine Erkrankung bricht vielleicht erst nach Jahren aus und kann viele Gesichter haben, so dass man zunächst nicht an Borrelien denkt. Viele Menschen sind mit Borrelien infiziert und wissen es nicht. In Deutschland geht man in manchen Regionen bereits von Zahlen bis zu 70 Prozent aus.

Die Borrelien schlummern in unserem Gewebe, in den Gelenken, im Gehirn und keineswegs nur im Blut, wo sie mit den herkömmlichen Tests kaum nachzuweisen sind. Zecken sind längst nicht mehr die einzigen Überträger.

Mittlerweile werden in der medizinischen Forschung immer mehr der sogenannten Autoimmunerkrankungen mit Borrelien in Verbindung gebracht: Rheumatische und arthritische Erkrankungen, Parkinson, chronische Müdigkeit bis hin zum Autismus.

Früher seltene neurologische Erkrankungen wie Multiple Sklerose (MS) oder die tückische ALS werden immer häufiger diagnostiziert, und in fast allen Fällen sind dabei Borrelien oder ihre Co-Erreger nachzuweisen.

Medizin und Pharmakologie haben bisher noch keine adäquate Antwort gefunden und es gibt nur wenige Verfahren, um die Erreger zuverlässig nachzuweisen.

Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt beschäftigt sich seit vielen Jahren mit diesem Thema und hat eine sehr erfolgreiche biologische Behandlungsmethode für Borrelien-induzierte Erkrankungen entwickelt. In Amerika wurde er für seine wegweisende Arbeit in den Jahren 2007 und 2009 von der weltweit tätigen Global Foundation of Integrative Medicine als „Physician of the Year" ausgezeichnet. Im Jahr 2010 wurde ihm der „Physicians Excellence Award for the Treatment of Lyme-Induced Autism" zugesprochen. Aktueller DVD-Vortrag mit PowerPoint-Präsentation vom November 2012 im Audimax der Universität Freiburg.





Planet Wissen -SWR


                                Zecken Prävention 

                                   Ticks real vampires- Documentary


                          Maladie de Lyme diffusé sur France 5 le 20. 5. 2014


Lyme Disease In Australia - Disease Australian doctors don't recognise: Maddie is suffering a seizure, stricken by a disease our doctors still refuse to recognise. But for thousands of Australians it's all too real.


RIP Dr. Willy Burgdorfer 

Short before his dead. Dr. Willy Burgdorfer Talks About Lyme Disease and Scientific & Medical Corruption 2014


Dr. Willy Burgdorfer is an American scientist born in 1932 and educated in Basel, Switzerland, considered an international leader in the field of medical entomology. He discovered the bacterial pathogen that causes Lyme disease, a spirochete named Borrelia burgdorferi in his honor. Dr. Burgdorfer earned his Ph.D. in zoology, parasitology, and bacteriology from the University and from the Swiss Tropical Institute in Basel. 
As a research subject for his thesis he chose to study the development of the African relapsing fever spirochete, Borrelia duttonii in its tick vector Ornitnodoros moubata, and to evaluate this tick's efficiency in transmitting spirochetes during feeding on animal hosts. During his college years he was a member of a research team investigating outbreaks of Q fever in various parts of Switzerland and became interested in similar research activities carried out at the Rocky Mountain Laboratory (RML) in Hamilton, Montana, a U.S. National Institutes of Health research facility.

He joined RML in 1952 as a Research Fellow, and later became a Research Associate in the USPHS's Visiting Scientist Program. In 1957, he became a U.S. citizen and shortly thereafter joined the RML staff as a Medical Entomologist. 
Dr. Burgdorfer's research concerned the interactions between animal and human disease agents and their transmitting arthropod vectors, particularly ticks, fleas and mosquitoes.  
His research contributions are published in more than 225 papers and books, and cover a wide field of investigations including those on relapsing fevers, plague, tularemia, Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and other bacterial and viral diseases. 
Dr. Burgdorfer gained worldwide recognition for his 1982 discovery of a tick-borne spirochete as the long-sought cause of Lyme disease and related disorders in the U.S. and Europe. The agent was named after him — Borrelia burgdorferi.

Throughout his career, Dr. Burgdorfer participated in a number of World Health Organization (WHO) and other health organization-sponsored seminars and congresses. From 1967-1972, he served as Associate Member on the Rickettsial Commission of the Armed Forces Epidemiology Board. For several years (1968–1971) he was also Co-Project Officer of the PL 480-sponsored Research Project on Rickettsial Zoonoses in Egypt and adjacent areas, and from 1979 to 1986, he directed the WHO-sponsored Reference Center for Rickettsial Diseases at RML in Montana, U.S. Although retired since 1986, Dr. Burgdorfer continues his association with the Rocky Mountain Laboratories' Laboratory of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis as Scientist Emeritus. He is also active on the Scientific/Medical Advisory Committee of the Lyme Disease Foundation. 

In 1999, he delivered the keynote address at the 12th International Conference on Lyme Disease and Other Spirochetal and Tick-Borne Disorders.

Honors include: Schaudinn-Hoffman Plaque (1985, German Society of Dermatologists), Robert Koch Gold Medal (1988 Berlin, Germany), Bristol Award (1989, Infectious Diseases Society of America), Walter Reed Medal (1990, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene),
Doctor Medicina Honoris Causa (1986, University of Bern, Switzerland; 1991, University of Marseille, France),

Honorary Degrees of Science (1990, Montana State University; 1994, Ohio State University). Extract from acclaimed Motion Picture "Under Our Skin" Director's Cut (Open Eye Pictures, 2014). underourskin.com. Bio from Wikipedia.org (English version).

 Under Our Skin   - Academy Award Semifinalist

A chilling tale of microbes, medicine and money, this Oscar shortlisted film has changed the landscape of the Lyme epidemic, bringing unprecedented awareness in an engaging and accessible way. The definitive record of the Lyme controversy, UNDER OUR SKIN exposes a hidden story of medical and scientific malfeasance and neglect.  As official case numbers explode and hundreds of thousands of people around the world go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, the film is as relevant and timely as ever.

The newly released Director's Cut includes 15-minutes of restored footage, re-edited scenes and character updates. (100 min.)


Under Our Skin - EMERGENCE read more:


Under Our Skin - Full Documentary - a must seen.

Senior Producer
Co- Producers
Associate Producer
Original Music
Executive Producers
Outreach Partner

France -  Prof. MontagnierNobelpreisträger


canal +  - Special Investigation Maladie de Lyme

  Lyme in the Netherlands

                                    Presentation Dr. Risk


Lyme la grande imitatrice

Adrien Dumont


Finally many things need do be changed. Everything will be fine!
Es muss sich endlich ganz viel ändern. Alles wird gut! 

Eure Christine 


Insider Patient Travel Guide to New Delhi - Insider Infos Nutech Mediworld Hospital


                                                      Namaste India!


The Indira Gandhi Airport is modern and is being expanded. Visa Service has now changed you can order in advance, from most countries, and pick it up easy on the depart airport!

Drive from the airport to the clinic, located in southern Delhi, is usually about 30-45 minutes.

Free Service of NUTECH MEDI WORLD:

Connected laboratory and 24 pharmacy, 24-hour security in addition to the clinic building.

The private clinic has about 25 rooms and a large lobby, with Physio in the basement.

Getting the individual rooms are quite small, but with all that western standard offer: Flat screen TV with HBO
-German program DW (German Welle).
-Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch
- 24 h Nurse/ Doctors on duty

Each room is so equipped with:

Shower / WC / hair dryer/  Toaster/ small Refrigerator/ TV Free (bring your LAN cable and laptop) 24h internet access ,small safe in the closet. Air Conditioning/ Small rolling table /Wall table small plug-in shelves 1 chair Sickbed /Guest chair / bed function (foam)

Remove the current card and take it with a key chain from home, because if you drag the map to fall out the refrigerator

Breakfast service omelette, scrambled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs and boiled eggs in exchange or as required

Daily on request free room cleaning, new bedding/towels, toilet paper, kleenex box;  Delhi Times Newspaper; Butter; Jam; Sugar; Milk; Cornflakes; Biscuits...

For the accompanying person is standing beside the hospital bed a mattress available that is quite uncomfortable. It is advisable to back problems to get an inflatable guest bed, or bring the same ..

Yoga is offered in the clinic - for free - Physio once a week.

Airport pick-up day and night for free, as free shuttle service for medical examinations and between applications within Delhi.

Reception offers taxi service for a fixed price for private tours. Many patients are to sick to do much, exspecially on their first visit. But here are the possibilities:

You can book a Trip to the Taj Mahal in Agra on site at the clinic, even other adventure books like the hospital management. Jyoti Titus is the Manager, she will assist you and take care of everything.

New Delhi has generally much to offer!

Driver is waiting and is by appointment or phone call in a few minutes on standby.

Those who prefer to look in the immediate vicinity of the World Nutech Medi Clinic, and prefer to walk around nearby, they need to be the Green Park Market to heart.  

There you will find many small stores that will offer a wide range. 
All kind of vegetables, fruits, flower merchants on the streets, a kind of Starbucks (Costa Coffee), Pizza Hut, nice, more coffee, fruit sellers on the roadsides and the typical Indian everyday driving.

Green Park Market Streets in New Delhi

Past installations and temples:


Quetab  Minar

Hari Krishna Temple-Iscon  

Lotus Temple  

India Gate 

(connected park, pedal boats, water plant)  

Lodi Garden-Park 
... and much more.

This tour can be in the order in an afternoon, slip in quietly,  with a driver booked for 5 hours!

Action is absolutely mandatory, if possible:

- Spice market in Old Delhi - From Dilli Haat just a short drive from the clinic, a must!

Dilli Haat - A government, colorful market with exhibitors from all Indian regions, 14-day temporary exhibitions (5 minutes by taxi) costs a few cents admission, therefore, very safe and firm instructions tourists.

Down action is also possible, despite the fair prices.
There are also Indian specialties from different regions of India and dance or other
cultural, typical festivities.

Also henna art and hair braiding is offered here sometimes.  

Nearby you will find great restaurants, small cafes, hotels of all types, air-conditioned malls with big cinema (Cinema), temples, green parks, a zoo, a sprawling golf course, modernity and tradition in the metropolis of Delhi is a great opportunity offered.

Back to the clinic.  

The organization of a private nurse on site at any time for organization around to 24 hours (If your  Caretaker is not in itself prove, or caretaker of the sick, you make the trip alone or would be ...) mandatory according to the procedures (surgery - introduction of the stem cells injected into the spinal canal). Depending on the Procedure 4, 6, 8 or 24 hours required.  

Because the patient must lie quietly and is a companion to rely not only from medical reasons!

Travel Expenses 
I recommend this simple withdrawing money from the so-called PM machine (ATM) EC card works on all current ATMs, which is in Delhi like every street corner finds! There is no upfront, high bundled!
Some dollar bills in his luggage will not hurt as well. used in markets as a good basis for negotiation ...

Supermarkets: "Le Marche" (in all major malls) have, of course, to not quite high prices some european and american brands.

Note: Not only during the monsoon period, many drinks (at least 6-8 liters)! No kidding. Never go without a bottle of water on a walk. The risk of dehydration is given. Please DO NOT drink tap water!

TIP: You can order their own drinks at the restaurant PLAIN, so pure, otherwise it be that it is diluted with tap water is! Even without ice cubes may safely more!

At night, please do not walk around alone in Delhi as a pedestrian. The warning does not apply to the crime, at least not primarily, but to stray groups of wild dogs. Those who do not hunt only wild monkeys in the city, but certainly in hordes to attack humans.

Shoppingmalls :
Hard Rock Cafe New Delhi in close proximity to Select City Mall, (30 Minutes by car from Hospital) in which: Indoor playground, movie theater, restaurants, and well-known brands, together with a European / American supermarket, are located. Next to another great mall.

Cottage Industries Emporium, behind the name is a five-story department store hides with an incredibly beautiful, diverse range of goods such as hand and its best ...

Ambience and luxury items can be found in the Ambience Mall l with all the major designers.

The hospital food is Northern Indian, west adapted .. It is fresh and most times delicious, but who wants to use the alternation Home Delivery Service Order from local restaurants, or all kinds of junk food, Pizza Hut, Mc Donalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and local specialties. The reception of Nutech Mediworld has "Flyers" and does the call for you. 

You just need to pick up your delivery in the lobby.

Full board service at the clinic. Daily selectable vegetarian and non vegetarian hot lunch and dinner, fruit, beverages (mineral water Bisleri, or Coke, Fanta, Orange Juice)

Recommendation: Extra order private -Bisleri mineral water boxes- for about 300 rupees. 

Much drinking is a must! 
 Order from Rita, she does the choice of your food and much more.

Payed Laundry service at the hospital (fair prices)

The hospital rooms are fully air conditionedIn the lobby there is a computer that can be used by patients. Twice daily physical therapy takes place. The rooms are housed in the hospital and easily accessible by elevator.

Be sure to pack:

Household scissors 
Passport Foto  (prepaid cell phone, even without a contract required in India)

Insect repellent
Small medicine 

Extra tips: Bring your own extra pillow and blanket, so it is cozy and more homelike...

Screen or / and do not forget headgear including waterproof gloves during the Moonson time! Little umbrella is also very usefull.
And of course bring with you some sunscreen!


Nasty case: mobile/ cell phone provider lists India among "Third World".  
Immense costs! inquire with the provider before the trip! Or get one in India.
On-site providers to passport and passport photo template, better get a prepaid cell phone. Many mobile shops at every corner.

Please adjust the Indian traditions and values, long-legged and long-sleeved clothing 
(also used for protection against insect bites!), Not physical. Do not wear low-cut. 

Crash course in Hindi:

Namaste  -Greeting  

Mehrabani se - please  
dhanyabad - thank you  
han - yes  
sesidhe - straight 
adscha - understood 
sone jaana - go to sleep

Health risks There are currently no urgent measure vaccination for India. 

But bring you own medication and some travel meds with you 

Again, do not go out on the streets at night. There is not only a crime problem, there are many wild dogs and animals, even in the city! 


Green Park Extension, H-8
New Delhi /India  

Dr. Geeta Shroff Contact (Medical Director / Clinic Manager)

Patient Application and Information 

Contact e-mail: Geetashroff@hotmail.com